<acteur id="rocky" personnage="Rocky Balboa">Sylvester Stallone</acteur>
<acteur id="adrian" personnage="Adrian">Talia Shire</acteur>
<acteur id="paulie" personnage="Paulie">Burt Young</acteur>
<acteur id="creed" personnage="Apollo Creed">Carl Weathers</acteur>
<acteur id="mickey" personnage="Mickey">Burgess Meredith</acteur>
</casting> <synopsis>
<perso ref="rocky" /> is a small-time boxer who lives in an apartment in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
and his career has so far not gotten off the canvas. <perso ref="rocky" /> earns a living by
collecting debts for a loan shark named Gazzo, but Gazzo doesn't think <perso ref="rocky" /> has the
viciousness it takes to beat up deadbeats. <perso ref="rocky" /> still boxes every once in a while
to keep his boxing skills sharp, and his ex-trainer, <perso ref="mickey" />, believes he could've
made it to the top if he was willing to work for it. <perso ref="rocky" />, goes to a pet store that
sells pet supplies, and this is where he meets a young woman named <perso ref="adrian" />, who is
extremely shy, with no ability to talk to men. <perso ref="rocky" /> befriends her. Adrain later
surprised <perso ref="rocky" /> with a dog from the pet shop that <perso ref="rocky" /> had
befriended. <perso ref="adrian" />'s brother Paulie, who works for a meat packing company, is
thrilled that someone has become interested in <perso ref="adrian" />, and <perso ref="adrian" />
spends Thanksgiving with <perso ref="rocky" />. Later, they go to <perso ref="rocky" />'s apartment,
where <perso ref="adrian" /> explains that she has never been in a man's apartment before.
<perso ref="rocky" /> sets her mind at ease, and they become lovers. Current world heavyweight boxing
champion <perso ref="creed" /> comes up with the idea of giving an unknown a shot at the
title. <perso ref="creed" /> checks out the Philadelphia boxing scene, and chooses
<perso ref="rocky" />. Fight promoter Jergens gets things in gear, and <perso ref="rocky" />
starts training with <perso ref="mickey" />. After a lot of training, <perso ref="rocky" />
is ready for the match, and he wants to prove that he can go the distance with <perso ref="creed" />.