Fabien Torre's site

Research students

Students I have supervised.

PhD Students

Jean-Baptiste Faddoul (from january 2009 to june 2012)

PhD thesis defended on june 18, 2012
SubjectEnsemble Methods to Learn Multiple Heterogenous Tasks without Restrictions
WithRémi Gilleron et Boris Chidlovskii

Patrick Marty (from september 2003 to december 2007)

PHD thesis defended on december 4, 2007
SubjectInformation Extraction and Combinaisons
WithRémi Gilleron et Marc Tommasi

Laurent Candillier (from may 2003 to september 2006)

PhD thesis defended on september 15, 2006
SubjectContextualization in unsupervised learning
WithIsabelle Tellier

Master Students

Jérémy Scafi (2003-2004)

Subject Q-Learning and supervised learning
WithPhilippe Preux

Accueil > Research > Students
(last update )
Fabien Torre's site, university of Lille


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Une photo au hasard

CAp 2009 à Hammamet.

(le 25 mai 2009)

La côte corse de Porto à Calvi.